All dungeons in vanilla wow are well crafted compared to the rest of the in-game world. I would like to do them more. It has been many years since I did the low level dungeons.
Suggestion: Do what you did for RFC but also add a cooldown: Scale up the low level dungeons to level 60. Add a porter NPC to these dungeons. Add a gold farm quest to the dungeon that requires you killing bosses in there. Also, in order for it to remain f r e s h; add either a raid ID with cooldown or a cooldown to the related gold quest.
This may be a larger undertaking but I really do think this it would be great for the server, all the current gold quests are a bit boring. A longer cooldown (1week+) would work nicely. The gold reward should match CI gold farm, which is about 800gold per 10min with BIS group and 800g per 30min with D1 group.
PS. The cooldown is a must otherwise players will farm the same dungeon over and over, negating the whole point of keeping things f r e s h ^^ (the word "f-resh" got blured?)
Best regards, Durzi
Suggestion: Do what you did for RFC but also add a cooldown: Scale up the low level dungeons to level 60. Add a porter NPC to these dungeons. Add a gold farm quest to the dungeon that requires you killing bosses in there. Also, in order for it to remain f r e s h; add either a raid ID with cooldown or a cooldown to the related gold quest.
This may be a larger undertaking but I really do think this it would be great for the server, all the current gold quests are a bit boring. A longer cooldown (1week+) would work nicely. The gold reward should match CI gold farm, which is about 800gold per 10min with BIS group and 800g per 30min with D1 group.
PS. The cooldown is a must otherwise players will farm the same dungeon over and over, negating the whole point of keeping things f r e s h ^^ (the word "f-resh" got blured?)
Best regards, Durzi